
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Holiday time

The holidays are always a busy time in every family.  Ours is no exception.  With the purchasing of gifts.  Wrapping them and all the social invitations we accept or plan to have it's no wonder that by the time Jan 1 rolls around everyone is just tired, stuffed full of all the foods we shouldn't really eat and our bank accounts are barren once again.   But, we do it over and over again.  Year after countless year.  Now I am not saying I don't love giving and receiving gifts.  I love to give gifts to people, almost as much as I love to cook for people!    

This year was our first Christmas as husband and wife.  It holds a special place in my heart also because it was the first time my mother came to Iowa to visit us, along with her first time meeting J.R.    It wasn't as stressful as I had thought it would be.   I find as I grow and mature I don't put as much value on "impressing" people anymore.   Now I know what you are thinking..."Why would you have to impress your own mother?"   Well I have always felt that somehow I was just not good enough in her eyes.   I knew she loved me and that she thought I was good.....just always had that inkling in the back of my brain that she thought I just wasn't good enough.   Crazy right??    LOL

Well this year I didn't go out of my way to try to impress her.  I did what I do every day.  J.R. is the same way and it is just one of the countless things I love about him.   He is who he is, he is comfortable with who he is, he loves me and the kids and isn't afraid to show it or tell anyone about it.   He sure is a special kind of guy!!

So, the visit was good.  We were all pretty worn out by the time the week was over.  But I feel blessed that we all had a good time.  

Now that New Years Eve is upon us.  I am pulled into the thoughts of what will the New Year bring for all of us?  

Now that Shelby is 18 years old and is pondering college vs. working and eventually moving out on her own.   I am happy and sad all at the same time.  The mix of emotions is just overwhelming at times.  But I know I will just deal with them as they come up. 

The kids are really working hard to become better people, to mature in a way that I pray will bring them through rough patches in their lives as they grow older. 

I am hoping that J.R's job gets less stressful and that we can all live harmoniously and well balanced lives.  

I want to lose weight and get healthier this year. We hope to be able to take a trip to Massachusetts at some point.  Not sure if that will happen this year or not, but we definitely have it on our list of things we want to do.  

My goal for our family is less "wanting" and more "giving to others".   We have so much and so many have so little.   We are blessed beyond measure. I want my kids to know how fulfilling it is to give back. 

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all who read my silly little blog.   I do tend to ramble on and on.   May 2012 bring peace, love & prosperity to all of my friends and family  far and near!!

4 Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant 5or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; 6it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. 7It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. I Corinthians 13:4-7

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A rant for customers of pharmacies everywhere!!!

I have something to get off my chest...I am guilty of this as well but after so many nights of seeing my husband return home from a job he truly loves, helping people who most appreciate him, and others just are demanding and ostentatious.  He is stressed to the max and I just have to at least vent even if nobody reads it.

Being a "former" health care worker *CNA in a nursing home*, and now being the wife of a health care worker, for those that do not know, my wonderful husband J.R. is a Registered Pharmacist.  I worry so much about the pressure that is put on him and all the pharmacists and techs where he works and I am sure this happens in ALL pharmacies these days.   Short staffed, closed quarters work spaces etc.   But my issue is with the fact that so many people that go into a pharmacy or any store these days.  They want everything right this second.  Without a thought to what it takes to do your task.   I am speaking strictly from my own perspective as a CNA and what I see happening with J.R. and his co-workers.   I am not unsympathetic that when someone is sick they just want to feel better.   I get that....What I think the public needs to get is that if your doctor felt you needed a medication within the time it takes you to get to the pharmacy and walk in the door....then he would have hospitalized you.   Just sayin!!    

This week the pharmacy implemented a brand new computer system, to which all of the pharmacists had 1 day of training a couple of weeks ago.  From what I have seen and heard, the system is, let's say not as efficient as was thought it would be.   That is neither here nor there.   There have been signs hanging up all over the pharmacy that they were implementing this and that there could be significant wait times due to the newness, etc.....Can anybody read anymore???     

My worry is for the safety and health of my husband first and foremost along with his co-workers.  Secondly that safety and health of the patients who are in such a rush to get their medications, that it puts unneeded stress on those behind the scenes.  They are not only trying to please customers who want everything 10 minutes ago.  But the slow and unfamiliar system which they are trying to navigate.   For this they forgo bathroom breaks, they don't get a lunch break or a smoke break or even a break to get a drink of water.   J.R has come home dehydrated and stressed and hungry so many nights I worry for the health of his vital organs.   He isn't a Spring Chicken but I love him and so do our kids.  
   I realize that many people respect his knowledge and his customer service skills are off the charts awesome!!   But people.... can the man pee or get a drink of water for goodness sakes???    He is making sure you have what you need, and making every effort to get it to you as fast as he can and most of all ACCURATE!!   Because, if you got the wrong drug you would be there in a heart beat wanting to know how and why this happened, who was going to fix it, and heaven forbid if you got real sick from it you would want legal action or some compensation for your pain and suffering.  I know I would if that happened to me or my loved ones.  My prayer for today is that not just today, tomorrow or next week....but everyday whenever we need something from a pharmacy, doctor, nurse, CNA, or whatever service person.  Know that they are doing what needs to be done to get that done for you, cut them some slack, let them do their job in a safe manner that isn't risking their lives as well.  They have families that love them too!!  
Like I said in the start of this post, I too have been guilty of this, when my kids are sick I want them better 10 minutes ago.  But being in the health care scene, I understand that we must let them do the job that they have been trained to do!! 

Please be patient....Love your pharmacist!!!  I certainly love mine because he is not just my pharmacist, but he is also my husband and I would like to have him on this Earth many years beside me.   

Selfish??  Yes I am...and you would be too if it were your loved one!!  He dedicates his life to helping you on a daily basis...take a second and help him back.  :)  

Enough ranting....just had to get it off my brain!!!  

4 Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant 5or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; 6it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. 7It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. I Corinthians 13:4-7

Friday, December 2, 2011

December is here!!

Whether we like it or not, it's that time of year again.  Shoppers everywhere, vying for the best price, the latest gadget or the perfect gift for a loved one.  Travel plans are made, children begin to get over excited.  Parents pull out the, "Don't make me call Santa and tell him you are not behaving" card.   The mall parking lots are overflowing, traffic can be a nightmare for those who have to travel a ways to get to a mall or shopping center.  

But, we endure it, some even dare I say it...enjoy it!!  (I am not one of those kinds of shoppers) lol

As for me, this year I am in a new era in my life.   Not only with my recent marriage, but a new time in the lives of our kids.  Shelby turning 18 (4 short days after Christmas), Ryan in that "Tween" stage where he isn't really sure what he is wanting to believe.  Despite the stories to the contrary from his friends that, "there is no Santa Claus".   To our little Elizabeth, 8 yrs old and not really vocalizing much about Santa this year.  I am not sure how to take this revelation.  Do I ask her??  Do I just assume she does ??  *we all know what happens when we do that though right? LOL *   Either way, Christmas "Feels" different this year.  As if the winds of change and growing up has just blown in like a hurricane onto the mainland.  My babies are growing up.   I am indeed curious how Christmas will evolve and change as they become older and more "mature". 

Now, I know some of you reading this might say...."Melissa, Jesus is the reason for this season, so why are you blogging about Santa Claus?"   Well I think that is where the change comes in. 
Being a child we are taught about the birth of Christ, and how it affects life as we know it.  But we are also taught about a wonderful mythical character who brings good boys and girls gifts while they sleep.  The story is magical and being a parent, to see that kind of awe in my children's eyes as they awaken to find that indeed Santa did bring them something that they had longed for is just heart warming and fun.  
 I am a Christian, and I stress the importance at home all year long of Goodwill toward men, Peace on Earth and the fact that the tiny baby brought into this world by a Virgin mother in a manger so far away, is My Savior.   Sure, I agree there isn't much attention paid to the birth of Jesus Christ in the media etc.  But, we also must remember that each person has their own beliefs.   We don't want to have their Gods, Idols, customs and traditions waved in our faces and forced down our throats either.   

So now that I have rambled on and on......what exactly is my point??   

BALANCE.... I believe there is room for spiritual celebration and non-spiritual celebration in our lives.   Let us rejoice in the birth of Jesus Christ!!   Also, let us look at Christmas through the eyes of a child, who places his/her head on their pillow on December 24th, hoping and praying that a jolly old elf named "Santa Claus" will come and visit and leave them something special that they have longed for.   

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and most of all remember that life is too short, and we must make memories and live life to the fullest each and every day of the year.   Forgive, remember, enjoy and most of all LOVE one another. 

4 Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant 5or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; 6it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. 7It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. I Corinthians 13:4-7