
Friday, March 4, 2011

Hopeful for answers!!

Spring can't get here fast enough in my opinion.   Today the temps are warmer but it is now raining and snow mixed with rain is in the forecast over the next week.   I am anxious for warmer, sunnier days.   But before those days get here I have been doing some research on "Eating Clean".   Yes I know what you are saying, "didn't you sign up for Weight Watchers online not too long ago?"    The answer is Yes I did....I was doing okay on it, and who knows what happened, stress hit, got tired and bored with always tracking every single bite of food, not finding what I have here and having to customize everything on the site, feeling like I just didn't fit in, feelings, feelings, feelings!!    I am my own worst enemy, I do well for a bit, then I think I can slack off and eat this or that, which I know.....will send me into a binge of craptastic food!!   Or, the dreaded, "it's just easier to hit the drive thru window then to figure out what everyone will and won't eat for supper so why bother cooking it", or there is always the, "just one burger, french fry, (insert bad food of the day here) won't hurt my diet, I'll be right back at it after this".   Yeah...right!!!   Fat chance and me getting fatter and fatter.  I officially have ZERO energy, no jeans that fit me, I am stuck wearing sweatpants/ yoga pants because they are the only thing I can find in my size right now.    I am frustrated, miserably uncomfortable, not sleeping well, and not making good choices, because frankly I have gotten to the point where I don't see a light at the end of the tunnel has grown so small that it is barely a speck in the distance.    

I know only I can pull myself out of this giant ditch I am in.....(no sense in calling it a rut it is much bigger)!! LOL
Trying to find the right fit, the right combinations of foods to help me get some results fairly quickly, without starving, something that gives me energy, makes me look forward to the next day, is easy to prepare for each upcoming week, and is easy to follow on a daily basis.   yep..I am looking for a miracle here folks.    Do I think I have found it in the Clean Eating Diet?   Who knows, I bought a couple of  Tosca Reno's books for my Kindle which I intend to sit down and read this weekend.  I am hopeful that desperately looking for inspiration, something that speaks to me from within the pages, that says, "hey Melissa, you can do this for life, you can extend your life, make it better, get more of the things you desire, like, more energy, less fat and less stress on joints, back , knees, feet everything.    Something that speaks to me and shows me that I can help mold and change my children's way of eating for the rest of their lives.    
So I am forever hopeful that I will find these keys, tools and answers.   I want to have a Happy body, not a miserably sore, tired, fat, flabby, older than it's years body.   

I will update as soon as I can.   :)   Thanks for reading~!!!

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