
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Updates....(wish I had a better title LOL ) long has it been? Quite awhile. Last time I was here was in March. My life with J.R. couldn't be better. I never knew love could grow so deeply and tenderly. But in fact it does, more and more with every passing day. I have never known someone who I could completely and totally be myself with and be loved so deeply. The kids are all doing well. Shelby is a Junior in high school, Ryan is entering 5th grade and Elizabeth is going into 2nd. I can't believe how fast they are growing up. Becoming individuals more and more each day. As for the divorce situation, neither J.R. or I have completely gotten through the process just yet. I am hoping with a settlement conference scheduled this week coming, that we can get all this ironed out once and for all and get it all finalized. It shouldn't have lingered on this long in the first place, but I am guessing Scott wanted to make a point (a very expensive one at that).

On June 26th of this year I mowed the grass and pulled my back out. I had done this before, and frankly a couple of days rest and some muscle relaxers usually do the trick. Not this time!! After a week and I was getting only worse I went to the doctor for a second time and got it xrayed...found out that the space between my L5 and S1 discs was extremely narrowed. So off to Physical therapy I went, more pain meds, anti inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxers, a TENS unit, Ice therapy and a back brace and still no relief after 3 more weeks. I asked for an MRI which showed a Herniated disc in my back. Great!! After finding this out I had to be scheduled for an epidural, where they inject cortisone directly into the actual disc. This was more than 2 weeks ago. Now I am being referred to a back surgeon and we shall see what happens next. So here I sit, unable to work....unable to do only solace is that J.R. and I have a great relationship and when he isn't here I can hang with the kids (when they aren't out doing their own things) and I play on Facebook alot. So that is my life in a nutshell basically. Hopefully someday real soon I can report that the divorces are final and that J.R and I plan to be married. :)

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