Well so far so good on our "trying to make it work". If I didn't threaten to leave I am not sure if he would have ever come around and fought for our relationship. So I am looking at all this as a blessing in disguise. Trying to keep an open mind, open heart and not expect a total transformation overnight. Even today small changes have happened that make me feel positive and glad that I didn't just leave without telling him. That could have very well have been a very bad thing. So we talked and talked, vented, and ranted, yelled and screamed.....let out what we have both been bottling up for a long time and got it out in the open where it can be seen and dealt with on a mature level. It is never easy to tell someone you love that you don't like how they are acting or that you expect more from them. But sometimes we get complacent and take alot in our lives for granted and focus on things that are not as important as the state of a relationship. We both have to learn to listen to each other better and not only listening...but actually comprehending what the other has said is a huge part of it. We all read into things differently. So our new goal is to repeat what is said and to make sure we are understanding what is needed at that point. By doing this we don't leave anything open for misinterpretation.
So far so good....he actually did a few small things around the house today...which shows he is serious about helping me out. Slowly but surely I hope that we can get that magic back again we once had.
Thanks for reading and keeping us in your prayers and thoughts.

You know that you have my support, no matter what you decide in the end. :)
testing 1 2 3 seeing if I can post to your blog
Thanks Myra...that means alot. And Kathy..YAY you did it!! LOL
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