That is my question today....I don't understand how I am 'the wicked witch of the west" when I point out something that I asked my kids to do and they either don't complete the job or they do a crappy, quick job just to go do what they want to do. What are they thinking? Perhaps my question should be...Are they even thinking? So as you know I had surgery a mere 3 days ago on my back. I still cannot sit up in a chair for more than 10 minutes or so...and I can't stand in one spot for even less time. I thought I prepared the kids, and could count on them to all pull together and help mom out this week while I am healing. Well that my friends was a pipe dream on my part. They could barely get along with each other, how in the world could they cooperate. So basically every chore I asked any of the 3 kids to do, either got done half assed, or not at all for some lame reason or another. Not only was J.R. taking care of me...but he also went behind them and re-did everything they "claimed" they did by way of chores. Honestly I didn't think I was asking too much to have each of them pick up their OWN things, or to work together at clearing the kitchen table after a meal and putting the dishes in the dishwasher. Yes...we have a need to even wash the dishes. Just load em up and turn it on. Guess it is too much for them.
Somedays I feel like pulling my hair out because they are just so selfish. I didn't think I was teaching them to be selfish people, where are they getting it???? Then they wonder why mom is dubbed "fun sucker". If I don't stay the course, and keep the discipline consistent then all Heck would break loose. Well enough of my rambling for today....I had better go lay back down for a bit, I can only sit up for a short time before I am in pain again.

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