
Monday, September 27, 2010


It's a big word, and in my house lately a very big task!    With the kids each involved in activities and sports and band...and...need I go on?    

Anyway, I find myself wanting to be more efficient, make things run smoother here.  With the 2 dogs now there are more things to do associated with care and feeding.   I am just one person, who still at this time cannot do it all.   I shouldn't have to do it all either, as I have been reminded.   The kids are big enough to learn to do some things that will only help them become more independent adults.  Hopefully preparing them for adulthood is most parents wish.  I have always taken care of everything they need and I am kind of kicking myself for doing so much for them.   Allowing them to become dependent on me for everything.   Since my surgery I haven't been able to do it all for them, and our house has suffered.   So today I came up with a responsibility list for each child, with before school, after school, after supper, and before bedtime lists of some things they CAN and need to do for themselves without reminders from me.    I honestly am tired of hearing my own voice.   I bet they are tired of it as well and I know for a fact that they tend to shut me out after awhile.   
Here's hoping this will be a very positive step towards not only teaching them to be responsible, but to get some habits ingrained in their still malliable  minds,    
I think it is time for some coffee....hoping I can get more awake and alert enough to finish some more tasks I had mapped out for myself today.

"There's no place like home" 

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