The kids are camping with their dad, Ryan called to say that they were about to have french toast and bacon for breakfast. That actually sounds pretty good right now. I had some granola with vanilla soy milk this doesn't compare to french toast and bacon.
Anywho...I have been just resting my back, and thinking what I could do today. I feel like I could just sleep the whole day away, but I know that is just my pain meds talking...LOL Maybe J.R. will hang the big Tv on the wall in or bedroom so it is easier to see when we lay in bed. I feel like a contortionist some days just trying to see the screen. It's so quiet here today. Like I mentioned the kids are camping with their dad, and Shelby just went out for a walk or something...who knows....teenagers, I just don't get em!! Wow I just sounded old didn't I? LOL Well my coffee just beeped, so it is done brewing...maybe after I drink some I will know better what I feel like doing. (although my choices are kind of limited with my surgery and all) :)

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